Meetic, the Online Dating Website, Pros and Cons

Meetic, the Online Dating Website, Pros and Cons

Meetic is one of the best-known dating sites on the Internet to find couples. Theaverage Meetic user is single, between 25 and 49 years old , that is, oriented towards a young audience who is willing to start a relationship.

This online dating website began its journey in 2001 , in France . Over the years it has positioned itself each year as one of the references in the sector , being, today, one of the most well-known and prestigious. Its volume of visits exceeds 5,000,000 monthly , a real outrage for a page on this topic. This popularity is what makes Meetic a highly recommended option if you are looking for a partner, because the fact that users think highly of it is a plus in its favor.

A little history

In the digital age, dating apps and websites have become a popular tool for finding love and making new connections. One of the most recognized names in this field is Meetic .

Founded in 2001 , this platform has earned a solid reputation as a place where singles can explore romance online.

Meetic was founded in France in 2001 by Marc Simoncini . Since its inception, the platform has expanded rapidly internationally, gaining popularity in various European countries .

In 2009, Meetic acquired , an online dating giant with a presence around the world, further consolidating its position in the global market. In 2013, Match Group , a subsidiary of InterActiveCorp (IAC) , acquired Meetic and became its owner.

Meetic stands out for offering its users a variety of features and functionalities that make it easier to find a partner online. The platform uses a compatibility algorithm that takes into account user profiles and preferencesto suggest potential matches.

Additionally, it offers advanced search options that allow users to filter profiles based on specific criteria, such as interests , geographic location , and personal characteristics.

Register on Meetic

Registration on Meetic is free . When you log in for the first time, they will ask you for some information, such as your email address, gender (male or female), date of birth, a username that is not in use , the location where you live, a secure password and, finally, they will ask you. They will offer to send you promotions and/or advertising to your email (you can reject it). Finally, you accept the conditions and you are already inside.

Once you have logged in, you will be greeted with an extensive questionnaire, in order to "manufacture" a precise profile that is suitable for other users of the website. A little about most websites of this style, if you have children, if not, if you would like to have them, level of education, height, if you are a smoker, haircut and color, ethnic origins, religion, languages what are you talking about, etc.

There are several questions , but in no case does it become tiresome, since these are simple questions. Finally, they invite you to upload a photo of yourself to complete the minimum profile and leave a phrase in order to make yourself known a little.

When you are done with you, comes the survey to determine your tastes regarding your future partner . They will ask you about the traits that most attract you to them (partner). This is another fairly simple “ survey ” from Meetic , with which you can determine which users of the platform have the most affinity with you .

The Premium version vs Free version

So far everything is perfect, but now the problems begin, or rather the restrictions that a free profile has . At first you will have many visits to your profile, as is required to increase your confidence (and self-esteem, it must be said), but you will find the unpleasant surprise that you will not see who has visited you, only some blurred images of the o visiting users.

If you are wondering if Meetic is free in Spain , we have to say that there are two modalities to search and find a partner , one free of charge and another premium or paid . With the first we can meet people , true, but to enjoy the platform in a minimally decent way you have to go to the paid version , this is indisputable.

And the Premium membership is highly recommended , since it allows us to fully exploit the opportunities offered by the page. Once you have created the Meetic account , you can begin to interact with the rest of the users , but by no means fully. The good news is that Meetic allows you a 3-day free trial.

As we can see in the image above, the cost of a Premium version of Meetic is €11.99/month , yes, for a 6-month membership. Let's review all the possibilities it offers. The prices are divided into 3 packages, fundamentally, which are the following:

  • The cheapest package for men and women is the 6-month package, in which you pay 99 euros for each month. You have to pay €71.94 in total.
  • The next package is the quarterly one, with a cost of €22.99/month , so you have to pay, at once, €68.97.
  • Finally, we have the monthly package, a single month, at €44.99 . A high price, without a doubt.

What the free version offers us :

  • Have access to photo albums.
  • Perform both quick and advanced searches.
  • Send the well-known crushes to whoever you like.
  • Register a profile.

What the Premium version gives us : In addition to the options of the free version.

  • Use Meetic Messenger and Meetic
  • View other users ' search preferences .
  • Hide those profiles that do not interest you.
  • Sending emails to your Meetic
  • Observe the crushes sent.
  • Customer Service . _

How to find a partner on Meetic

In this section we are going to discover the Meetic search engine , which has many functionalities. For example, you have several tabs on many topics, but we will start with the " Main Criteria " tab, which allows us to choose city, age, height, type of relationship , if the profile has a photo, etc. More or less the basics.

In the " Physique " section, we can restrict the search by age, height, weight, appearance, features, hair and eye color and even physical complexion.

meetic dating pros cons

If we go to the " Personal Life " tab, it allows us to narrow down users who are looking for a relationship , or to meet new people or who simply don't know. Here you can search by marital status (single, separated, divorced or widowed), if she lives alone, with her children, as a couple, in a shared apartment, if she is a smoker, etc.

Similarly, in " Professional Life ", we can filter by their academic level and even their annual income. It goes without saying that this is only possible if the user in question has filled in this data in their profile. It may not be the most "honest" thing in the world, but it is true that the option of refusing to search based on those criteria is yours.

meetic dating

Then we can see other tabs of, perhaps, less importance for most, such as " Origin ", namely the country where you are from or the languages ​​you speak. « Values », which deals with the importance that the user gives to marriage or wanting to have children.

Finally, the " Leisure activities " tab, which as we can deduce, you can choose from a large number of hobbies, in general, such as sports, music, books or movies.

Since Meetic is always constantly updated, today there are new advanced filters, such as when the user has been online, the main attraction that, in their opinion, it has for the rest, what they eat (your diet ), etc.

A complete tool that will allow you to narrow down as much as possible in order to find that partner you want.

How to unsubscribe from Meetic

If you have finally found that person you were looking for and you want to unsubscribe from Meetic , it is not complicated at all. First and foremost, you have to do it from a PC or computer, even if you are using the platform from the mobile app.

You must enter the "My account and my pass" section and then click on the link "To suspend your profile, click here", which you will see at the bottom of the website. Then confirm and permanently delete the account. This is fine, since there are many similar websites where doing this is nothing short of a horror adventure, if you finally manage it.


Pros of Meetic

  • It has millions of users around the world, who are looking for the same thing as you. This is a great advantage, since the more people there are, the greater the possibility of finding the desired partner, either in your city or around the world.
  • Meetic 's search tool is simple and works in a very customizable way, since you can use filters, there are chats, emails, contacts, etc.
  • It is not necessary to be a computer engineer to enter Meetic and exploit its full potential, any neophyte user is capable.
  • The page recommends profiles that match our searches, which simplifies the process.
  • You have access to Meetic Events .
  • Its privacy is excellent, giving us the choice of which data can be shown and which cannot.
  • Unsubscribing is very simple and fast.

Cons of Meetic

  • Like all platforms of this style, it is not possible to know if the contacts are lying or not, although this is something that is not the responsibility of the page. The use of these types of tools carries a risk.
  • The free version is very scarce, with few or no dating services. It is advisable to use Meetic Premium , we do not recommend wasting time with the basic version, since it will only generate a lot of frustration.

Through the platform, which we have tested, and from the opinions of the users , we can conclude that Meetic is one of the best contact pages that exist today.

Perhaps its price for one month is very high, but you have other plans (longer in time) with a reasonable cost. Finding a partner is simple, but you have to spend money for it.

Think about it this way: if I don't go out searching and prefer to do it from home, what you save on one hand, you invest on the other. In the end, you decide.


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